I was once asked, “Who has the most influence in your life? Who is your model?”
For most of us, our parents are the first people we depend upon to validate, accept and love us. However, as we grow in childhood and through our teens years, others come into our lives, like a friend, grandparent, or mentor. As we mature into adulthood, professors, bosses, co-workers, girlfriends or boyfriends, spouses, or someone else might make an intentional decision to invest in your life as a mentor.
Whoever it is, most of us have had at least one person who has made a difference in our lives. Can you think of someone who has been there for you? I’ve had almost all of the above influences in my life. Yes, I’ve also had negative, harmful influences. Sometimes the effects can be very damaging. The harmful things that happened taught me I didn’t want to do or say the same things. But, conversely, I wanted to emulate the positives I saw in people.
All of this was good for me, but it wasn’t the best. It didn’t empower me to live and love well. I still made choices that were harmful to my children, myself, and my loved ones. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel I could turn to anyone for help without feeling judged.

My One Person
Because everything I write is to educate and empower, I want to share with you the One person who has become the most significant model in my life over the past ten years. I was at the end of my rope, my world was crashing down on me, and I felt like I was going to die. I was in the darkest place ever and alone. Then, Jesus met where I was with the greatest light and love I have ever known to this day.
It was a true awakening, a REVELATION!
Since that moment, I daily seek to know Him and His ways, and it continues to make an incredible difference in the trajectory of my life, my children’s, and my grandchildren’s. I believe it can do the same for anyone.
Jesus is not only my Savior but my model and the One who has the most influence on how I live my life. He is the One I seek to be with and listen to moment by moment. By learning about God’s love through the parables, Jesus’ teachings, and how HE did life, I have found that His actions, principles, and attitude are what I desire to emulate. Like you, I want to live in that same healing love and peace that He offers to all people, no matter the circumstances.
Until I chose to allow Jesus to take ownership of my heart, soul, and mind, I didn’t understand the fullness of where He could take me. Jesus reveals that as we come to Him in childlike faith, He meets us there. A child depends on a parent to provide food, love, and shelter. Jesus invites us to come with the same childlike attitude and be confident that He will accept and care for us. As we grow in Him, we become sure of our identity. Have you ever questioned that?
Jesus teaches us that this confidence does not come from brain knowledge, intellect, or because one is rich or powerful. Isn’t that great news? It is through believing Him and accepting His grace, not our qualifications, that we gain entry to His kingdom. It isn’t something we can work our way into or purchase. Instead, he extends an invitation to all to fall into His arms for eternity, a gift available for anyone.
I’m so thankful each of us has equal access. When in my most broken place, I called to Jesus for help. He scooped me out of the darkness and confusion and took each of the broken pieces of my heart and life, and healed them one by one. He can do the same for anyone.
Since that time, there have been a few close friends I let into the guarded place of my heart. But Jesus continues to be the most excellent model, mentor, and leader I know. I am amazed when I think about how He turned the world’s way upside down by modeling a servant’s heart. As an example, He washed His disciple’s feet instead of them washing His! In prayer, Jesus went to our Heavenly Father to seek His will in all He thought, said, and did. Then, he went to the cross to die for us! Jesus didn’t come to condemn us. He came to save us and allow us to live eternally with Him.
He died for us. He forgave us for our sins once and for all, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. And, then He rose again. He conquered death. He let nothing stand in His way of fulfilling the mission He came to earth to fill. He did it by being loving, prayerful, and obedient. He healed people and loved them back to life. And for those who believe Him, the Spirit of Holiness dwells in them to guide them to do the same.
I can’t think of anyone I want to be like more. And with Jesus as my strength, I have found that we can become more like Him and fulfill our mission and purpose. It takes great willpower and great power to look back to Jesus for everything. When we keep our eyes on the prize, the gift of being with Him eternally, it’s hard to look to anyone else as our model. The wonderful truth is that He tells us nothing is too hard for Him!
Through my relationship with Jesus, I live knowing I am His, free from lies, and can now bring Him glory by helping other women realize their full potential. His love is why I write, coach, and mentor women. I never did any of this before intimately knowing Him! There is nothing more fulfilling and rewarding than walking in our purpose and mission while here on earth. As I read earlier this morning, living in that truth is like having one foot in heaven before we get there.
What I love is that we can all get there! It doesn’t matter who we are or what we have done. He understands and offers us a new life with Him.
Who Is It That Most Influences You? If you haven’t asked yourself that question lately, take some time right now to sit in quiet and ponder on it. Then, take up a pen and paper to write down your thoughts as you think. You might find that you want to eliminate some negative influences in your life and seek the way, the truth, and the life of Jesus to grow into the new life He has for you!