Have you ever considered that you are a paintbrush on a canvas that is larger than life itself? Have you ever wondered about how you can bring change into people’s lives? Have you ever wondered what your purpose is here? These are a few of the many questions that may run through our hearts and minds, as we go through each day. But, what if you saw a place where God brought change?  What if you viewed life from a totally different perspective, believing you could be a catalyst for change? What if instead of sitting in your room (job, marriage or friendships), and  feeling sorry for yourself  you funneled that energy into expressions of love, through doing something creative? Did you know that many people feel like they have no purpose in their lives? In all my years, I can truthfully say I have never met anyone that did not feel that way at one time or another in their journey. When you feel this way, you are not alone! If we can begin to recognize those kinds of thoughts are creeping into our mind and understand they intended to hold us back from our purpose, we have won more than half the battle!  When I have felt this way, I turned my heart to the greatest artist, our Creator, and asked for His guidance. Incredibly, He always answers and as I trust Him, He leads.

The painting you see above is a creation by my amazing and talented sister. She has always been creative, but never realized how special and valuable her creations were. I am thankful that she has realized her true worth and value and as a result, is allowing her personal paintbrush to create, and bring glory to God!  She is an amazing woman of great strength, character, beauty and love. She is incredibly creative, using talents from deep inside of her heart.  To hear her tell it, she was just messing around and having fun. I think that is what living is all about, messing around, being creative and having fun while we do it!

I hope that the beauty of her art brings joy and blessing in your life-like it has to mine. Oh by the way, me sharing this message with you is just me messing around!  I get great joy from sharing how creativity and freedom arrives through discovering your true identity and when others realize they are a paintbrush in the hand of the Almighty Creator!