There are many people whose love, courage, faith, business acumen, kindness and generosity I find exemplary and worthy of recognition in this writing. I wish I could say something about each one. The people I have chosen to acknowledge today are the ones who have impacted and influenced my life in incredibly powerful ways. And, most of them don’t know. That’s what I love about podcasts, YouTube, etc. The virtual world offers each of us the opportunity to change in the areas we seek to grow. (more…)
Tag: TheFirst21
Five Things I’ve Done I Thought I Could Never Do
Growing up, I didn’t think I could do anything well. You might think that’s not true, but it is. There were so many things I wanted to do and be. I wanted to be a singer, an artist, a Hollywood movie star! I wanted fame, to be good at something, to be recognized and seen as someone who had something to offer. Little did I know that my years growing up were a search for significance, love, and acceptance. (more…)
My 21-Day Blogging Challenge and Why
Blogging consecutively for 21 business days can feel forced, scary and uncertain. It can add pressure to an already full schedule, but in my complex mind, I am drawn to participate.
History has proven I don’t function well under pressure. In fact, during past times of writing, I have intentionally set myself far from others so I could meditate on the message I want to convey, then write. But life got busy, time for long meditations got squeezed, and I lost momentum. What I’ve learned is there is no time like the present to get started. So, here I am, a late 50’s female stepping into what feels like a ten-year-old about to dive into the icy cold waters of a Colorado river in early Spring.