Tag: Independence

Let Freedom Ring!

Moving On Up!

I love my daughters. I feel confident that you love your children too. That’s why I believe you will understand my heart when I share a story with you.

With one daughter already married and on her own, it is sometimes difficult for me to think about my second daughter moving out. After graduating from college last December and accepting her dream job, she is beginning to make plans to move out and set up her own nest and independence. I have wanted this for her since she was born. Throughout her life I loved her and provided for her needs to the best of my ability. My dream was for her to develop into a healthy and whole woman, become independent and able to make wise decisions for her life. She is healthy, whole and a remembers that with each choice, direction determines destination. Now, the time is fast approaching for her to fly and though it is difficult, I want it for her.

After tagging along while she toured three different apartment complexes, I began to feel tension about her leaving home. I saw much of what I know can lead one down the wrong path and I imagine as a young adult it all looks very inviting. I cringe when I think how it could pull her away from all that is  waiting to unfold. I begin to think about the lessons she has learned, the love she was given and about the good people around her in her life as she grew up. I know of  her strong love for and knowledge of  God and I turn to my faith. I know the principles she lives by and am confident she is well prepared, protected and ready to fly.

More than two months have passed since we looked at apartments. I have observed my daughter’s decision-making during this time more closely. I know without a doubt, she will do well on her own. Today, I cleaned out a closet of all her belongings from when she came home from college less than a year ago. I wondered if this would be the last time I would get that opportunity. I sat in the closet floor and tears filled my eyes as my heart took a slow and memorable journey through her scrapbooks and photo albums from youth. As I placed them in the box, I thought about how much her plans to fly the coop have caused significant growth in me. This season of life has shown me that without a conscious awareness, I readied for the next season of my life as she set out to leave home. She is following her life dream , the one since she could walk and talk; I am following my life dream, discovered only a few years ago. Together, step by step, we are walking into our destinies. I am not certain what it will all look like, but this one thing I do know— we are each moving on up!