Tag: faith

What I Found On The Other Side Of Fear

Fear is a normal response to a lot of situations in life, but we’ve allowed it to become a monster in far too many facets. It can literally destroy us from the inside out. It takes root in our minds and hearts. If we don’t take charge, it can spiral out of control causing us to make unwise and unhealthy decisions and keep us paralyzed in feelings of helplessness or hopelessness.


Plans For Your Life


When a home is designed, the architect has to be exact in his measurements and scale when creating the plans. A home is good at being a safe haven, a place of shelter and to share family love. It serves its purpose by doing what it is good at doing. In a similar fashion, we are formed and shaped perfectly for the purpose we are designed to serve.

I love how our heavenly Father’s Word steers us to do what we are good at doing. How many times have we tried to be like, look like or dress like someone else? I’ve done it, you’ve done it. It never works does it? It might for a little while, but eventually it will begin to drag us down.

When we try to be someone else by doing what they do, we short change ourselves and those around us. When we let go to allow our lives and work (more…)

Trust is the Foundation

According to Andy Stanley, these verses from 1 Corinthians 13 are historically used for marriage vows; yet they were established as a guideline for us to love people.
I want to share the points he made which are critical for us to understand to know what this looks like and how to apply it!

The health of all relationships flows out of how we trust people! This will be determined on two things:
1. What we see
2. Who we are
Trust verses from this scripture
Verses 5-6
“Love delights in those doing the right thing”
verse 7
“Love always protects, hopes and perseveres”
1. Love protects the relationship – when it is the hardest, do everything to trust
2. Hope is the explanation of that
3. Love believes and endures all things
Summary is LOVE BENDS!
1.It gives the other person the benefit of the doubt
2. It always looks for the most generous explanation
3. Love chooses trust over suspicion

The core of great relationships is TRUST
WE all have expectations and experiences. But what is in the middle of those?
I love how Andy put it that there is a gap there and WE CHOOSE what to do in that gap
When we find ourselves seeing behavior that causes a gap, what do we do? WE CHOOSE–If we CHOOSE TRUST (Believing the Best) that is love. LOVE BENDS!
Andy shared much more . . .

Summary –
When you can’t choose to trust, LOVE CONFRONTS, but not in a mean way. Only through a loving, respectful, kind and gentle way!
Go to the person, share that you want to trust them, you want to understand and you keep the door open to the relationship.
If we do nothing, anger develops internally and becomes embedded to the point the relationship is severed. A wise man will BEND!

Five points Jesus asks us to commit to:
1. When you see the gap – I will believe the best
2. When Others assume the worst about you- I will come to your defense
3. If trust is eroding by experience – I will come directly to you
4. When I cant keep a promise – I will let you know ahead of time
5. When you confront me about gaps I have created – I’m going to tell you the truth!

These are great commitments for each of us to make.