Blogging consecutively for 21 business days can feel forced, scary and uncertain. It can add pressure to an already full schedule, but in my complex mind, I am drawn to participate.
History has proven I don’t function well under pressure. In fact, during past times of writing, I have intentionally set myself far from others so I could meditate on the message I want to convey, then write. But life got busy, time for long meditations got squeezed, and I lost momentum. What I’ve learned is there is no time like the present to get started. So, here I am, a late 50’s female stepping into what feels like a ten-year-old about to dive into the icy cold waters of a Colorado river in early Spring.
Photo Credit: Erik Dungan on Unsplash
Why did I say yes to this challenge?
I love participating with a team. Several bloggers taking this journey have gained a special place in my life over the past few years. It feels safer to do something new with friends.
There is power in numbers. Doing something new with friends and colleagues running with me strengthens my resolve to cross the finish line.
I demand of myself to re-develop a discipline of daily writing.
Because of my journey and experiences with God, I have many thoughts that can add value to others lives. They continuously flow through my mind and heart and are screaming to be released into the world. Writing is a great tool for communicating what I have to say.
I have a great passion for seeing growth and development in others and myself. I believe this will be an exercise of commitment, perseverance, and determination. Three things we can all stand to develop.
I expect to hone my skill of writing. While the creative flow of writing is an art using the right brain, the skills for grammar and order are left brain activity or something like that! By opening myself up to let both sides of my brain function, I anticipate increasing my capacity to engage others in the messages I have to share.
In August, my friend, Jason Montoya, had the idea for a few friends to join him for 23 days of blogging. I gained much by reading his stories. I’m so glad my friend Jim Karwisch wanted to keep his fingers tapping, and that I was invited to join the September blogging journey challenge.
I very recently shared with a friend how much I love getting lost in a creative project. I know this 21-days won’t offer loads of getting lost time, but as Jim said on his blog, by doing this exercise, we get to speak into the minds of others, but also clarify what we think, feel, and believe about that step in our journey. That makes it worth stepping through any fear of pressure and making the dive into the icy cold waters of the unknown.
I hope I can…I think I can…I know I can.
The Weekday Blogging Team
- Matt Hyatt | Founder of Rocket IT | Visit his blog…
- Craig Haynie | Founder Of | Visit his blog…
- Len Wikberg | Freelance Strategic & Creative Designer | Visit his blog…
- Jason Scott Montoya | Stories, Systems & Thought Leadership| Visit his blog…
- Sherra Bell | Teambuilder, Consultant, & Coach | Visit her blog…
- Bran Peacock | Voiceover Artist & Comedian | Visit his blog…
- Jim Karwisch | Improv Coach & Speaker | Visit his blog…