This post is written by my friend of 20-plus years. He has a heart of passion for others to know the Freedom that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. I am blessed to know him and hope that as you read his words below, you too, will be blessed.

I’m not sure why I felt compelled to share these personal insights, but I KNOW it was what the Spirit Of God, That Dwells Within me, Would have me do.

There was a season in my life when I could make almost anything happen…But now I know…It was never me…IT WAS ONLY HE

When faced with losing a job, I could always find another one…But now I know… It was never me…IT WAS ONLY HE

When rising in my career, I secured many positions requiring advanced degrees (which I have none). But now I know… It was never me…IT WAS ONLY HE

I taught myself the complexities of advanced mathematics’, finance, and business acumen…But now I know… It was never me…IT WAS ONLY HE

When financial calamities would befall us, I would always find a solution…But now I know… It was never me…IT WAS ONLY HE

When the very foundation of my family, would almost crumble, I would bring restoration…But now I know… It was never me…IT WAS ONLY HE

In the foolishness and smugness of my ability to overcome whatever life would throw at me…Never did I know…It was never me…IT WAS ONLY HE

Raised in poverty, enduring horrors that no child should ever see, I made it through…But now I know… It was never me…IT WAS ONLY HE

Ridiculed, rejected and humiliated as a child, for my tattered clothes, I survived…But now I know… It was never me…IT WAS ONLY HE

A child (through teen years) playing mediator for raging alcoholics and domestic abuse, I overcame…But now I know… It was never me…IT WAS ONLY HE

Having more insecurities, self-doubt and devoid of any confidence, I learned to conceal it well…But now I know… It was never me…IT WAS ONLY HE

You see I have no natural abilities, talents, or skills…IT IS ALWAYS HE…And never me

The abused little boy (Bo) cowered down and hiding in the corner still lives within this old man. I daily battle the painful memories that have long passed, and the struggles of my past life; although the bitterness, hurt and anger are still as fresh as each new day.

I share this not for pity or boast, but I share for HIS GLORY, you see… IF NOT FOR HE…. There would be no me.

Whatever your current condition, past position, or future intention, give them all To JESUS CHRIST. For it is ONLY Through HIM, that we can have HOPE for Tomorrow and Courage for Today!

1 Peter 5:7 (KJV) – Cast all your care upon him; for HE careth for you.

© 2015 Jeff Smith. Used with permission.

Photo Credit

Photo by Alex Woods on Unsplash