“If only I can touch the hem of His garment I can be well.” She could barely get the words out. Life was hard for women of that time, especially this one.
She was a woman of faith, a woman who knew He was her healer, and if only she could get to Him, everything could change. The crowds were massive, and she was weak, nearly crawling on the ground. For at least twelve years she bled and though she had seen many doctors, doctors who drained all her financial resources, no cure or healing had come.
Her only hope was Him.
And today, as He was coming through her town. “Today,” she said, “if only . . .” Perhaps through divine intervention or a miracle of sorts, she pressed through the crowd despite the jeering and pushed against her.
She reached long, with everything she had and her fingers touched the lowest part of His garment, the very lowest part that drug the ground.
Even with the crowd pushing against her with her weakened body from poor health, she never lost her focus; if I can only touch His hem, I know I will be healed.
And what she believed was right as we read below:
“A woman who had suffered a condition of hemorrhaging for twelve years—a long succession of physicians treated her. She spent all her money and was left worse off than before—she heard about Jesus.
She slipped in from behind and touched his robe. She was thinking to herself, “If I can lightly run a finger on his robe, I can get well.” The moment she did it, the flow of blood dried up. She could feel the change and knew her plague was over and done with.”
Mark 5:25-29 MSG
We all have challenging times where we say, if only. But Jesus says, “Come to Me” and “I will make you whole, I am your healer. Through Me, you are set free.”
Perhaps there is something in us today that needs healing. Maybe it’s a relationship with a loved one, a financial struggle or a health challenge. Whatever it is, we can ask ourselves, “Am I willing to surrender my circumstances to Him? Can we be so bold and courageous in our faith that we persevere through the challenges like this woman?
If only, I could touch the hem of His garment, I know _________________.
We can all fill that blank with a word that could change our lives!
What is your word?
If you have experienced God’s faithfulness, please feel free to share in the comments section below.