I love, I receive love, I have God’s love, My love flows, I love my neighbor, I love my enemy, I know certain love, I have abundance, I am patient, I give grace,
I have joy, God’s gifts are a joy, He gives me joy, I share joy, I receive joy, I feel good, I feel great, I am light, I am God’s light
I am beautiful, I am God’s masterpiece, I am creative, Creating brings me joy, God gave me the gift of creativity, I create from the beauty he surrounds me with, I am close to God
I am smart, I am resourceful, I can change trash to treasure, I am an artist, I am a gardener, a photographer, a writer, I manage a home, I manage an office, I am a wife, I am a mother, I am a daughter, I am a sister, I study, I learn
I am discerning, I am careful, I am watchful, I am protective, I see, I hear, I touch, I listen, I am wise, I am vocal, I am quiet, I laugh, I cry, I wonder, I pray, I hurt, I heal
I laugh hard, I cry hard, I am funny, I am serious, I sing, I dance, I praise, I give, I give my heart, I give my time, I am compassionate, I want to help, I want to save, I am here
I am happy, I am joyful, I am amazing, I am filled with peace, I am gentle, I am energy, I am tender, I am whole, I am complete, I am moving, I am breath, I am thriving
I am a Christian, I believe my Savior, I trust his word, I have faith, I am faithful, I am free, I am thankful, I am blessed, My needs are met, I have the Holy Spirit, I sin, I am forgiven, I am saved, I have God’s Promises, I depend on God, I listen to God, He listens to me, He carries me
I am a Daughter of the Most High King, My Lord!!
Debbie Downs ©2012