Category: Faith


I am a praying woman.  I pray continuously throughout the day.  I pray in my quiet space, when requests are made known, on behalf of people I may pass while driving or in the stores.  I pray for forgiveness and for God to take care of my need and the needs of others.  I praise him for the gifts he sends my way.  Prayer requires discipline and a heart for God.  Am I praying as a Child of God??

When I pray for provision financially am I being financially responsible?  Am I paying my debts, giving to others?  When I work am I giving 110%, being honest, a person of integrity and working as though I am working for the Lord?

Am I praying for kindness, love and gentle hearts from others and yet not giving that very thing to the people I come in contact with?

Do I ask for forgiveness and yet I do not forgive others?  Do I have compassion for others or am I a gossip and condemner even though I have perhaps walked the same road in my lifetime?

Am I boastful?  I did that, I have this? I, I, I when I am to be thankful and remember that all good things come from the Lord and that the Glory is his, not mine.

Am I complaining but have a problem being around those that complain?

I know that as a Child of God he hears my prayers.  Prayer takes discipline.  We need to stop and give the Lord our time, our hearts.  We should praise him for all the wonderful, colorful ribbons he drops on us.  He already knows our every thought but what a joy it is for our Lord when we come to him in prayer!  Daily, not only when life is full of trials and turmoil but when we are at peace and joyful also.

I was complaining yesterday and yet I have a problem listening to those who complain – HELLO!  I stress over bills forgetting the provision God has given me!  He is watching all these struggles to trust.

Do I say, “I will pray for you” and not do it?  If you tell someone you will pray for them, pray immediately.  Don’t tell someone you will communicate with God on his or her behalf and not follow through.

I need to be with him in quiet when I pray.  I need to empty out the world around me.  Praise him, ask for forgiveness and forgive others.  Pray for his will in my life, to be delivered from evil and to be thankful that Jesus died for me – that I am His child and that he loves me, protects me and covers me.  What comfort to know that I can go to Him anytime and he will listen to me and hold my hand.  He will walk with me, protect me and never leave me.  Make time for God – the answers come from him.

© 2011 Debbie I. Downs

Forgiveness from Love

Last August, I attended the “Grand New Day” conference put on by Women of Faith. Steve Arterburn’s sister, Marilyn, spoke about pre-marital counseling. She told an interesting story, which I hope I recall the details of to share with you.

Lester and Lucy were a couple who had recently married and as they were getting all moved in to their new home, Lester commented about all the boxes they each possessed. Lucy asked Lester what was inside of all his boxes and he answered that it was just “stuff.” She said, “Let’s play a game. Let’s open a box and take one piece of “stuff” out of the box and talk about that one piece.”  So, Lester agreed and proceeded to open a box taking out a piece of “stuff.”The first piece of stuff was a gift he had received from his mother years ago. He told Lucy all about the conflict in his relationship with his mother, and how at a young age he left home, lied about his age and enrolled in the army.  When he was at strongest odds with his mom and away on duty, he met and married a girl from whom he was now divorced.  “Oh . . .” Lucy said slowly and surprised. Then Lester wanted Lucy to share a piece of “stuff.” In agreement, she pulled out her piece of “stuff,” which was a photograph of herself and two of her high school friends. She began to tell Lester about the girls.  “When I was a girl I got pregnant and my two friends helped me get an abortion . . .”  Before she could finish her story, Lester was already backing away from her.  He could not believe what he was hearing, “An abortion?”

In the beginning of the story Lester and Lucy were doing pretty well freely giving grace to one another, but when things came out that were shocking to the other, Lester began to back away, just like he had done with his mother and previous wife.

This story can resonate in so many of our own lives. All we need to do is change the names. There are so many wounds that we carry in our own hearts causing us to respond to other people’s heartache from a condemning and judgmental attitude. Somehow we get it into our heads that we are better than the other person. This is a false truth that we are living in. I love the scripture that teaches us to “Take the LOG out of your own eye before you attempt to remove a SPECK from another persons eye.”  Those words alone should ring deep within each of our hearts. How many times have you said, “Look at her, thinking she looks so good” or “I can’t believe she is doing that, I would NEVER do that” and then you find yourself two weeks later, doing exactly what you said you would not do!

I am thankful we have a merciful God and He forgives us for the absolute rubbish that comes from our mouths. There was a time in my life where it did not matter what came out of my mouth. I freely spoke, criticized and made fun of people. Praise God that He has a way to tame that little muscle in our mouths training it, through the heart, to speak on things that are pure and lovely and encouraging, trustworthy, noble, uplifting and praiseworthy (see Philippians 4:8).

We read throughout the scriptures, that when Jesus Christ endured the cross and died a sinners death, we were forgiven of our wrongs and trespasses against God. What is it that prevents many from believing God? We are forgiven! It is left in our hands to accept His forgiveness. God will never force that upon us. In the same way that we are forgiven, we are to forgive others. In fact, the scriptures tell us in very specific words, when you forgive another of his wrongs, he is forgiven in the sight of God!

“If anyone has caused grief, he has not so much grieved me as he has grieved all of you to some extent—not to put it too severely.  The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient.  Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow.  I urge you, therefore, to reaffirm your love for him.” 2 Corinthians 2:5-7 (NIV)

Suggested Scripture Reading: Luke 6:42; 2 Corinthians 2:5-7; Matthew 6:12

His Hand

I was sad

so you held my hand

and when I wept

you dried my tears.

You made me think

about who I am

and said to me

come and rest.

We talked until

my heart was full,

you said I am precious.

I cling to that.

We are intimate,

I trust what you say,

You saved me Lord

and I have peace.

I won’t let go

of the hand I took.


© Copyright 2011, Debbie Downs



Caring Bridge Victoria Moon

The Story of Victoria Moon told by her husband, Steve

This is the amazing story of the Victoria Moon and how God has moved in her life. There have been thousands of people praying for her and as a result, her recovery has increasingly improved!

As a result of her unique story and recovery process, her husband Steve continues to get requests by the media to share her story. He has decided to share some of her latest physical therapy sessions and Steve and his pastor, Steve Crowley of Piedmont Church will be interviewed!

Take a few minutes and check it out. Follow the link above to watch the incredible story of Victoria’s recovery, on the news tonight! What an amazing way to share with others that God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do!

Thank you Lord for this woman’s restoration of health and life!

Glory to God!

Only God could paint this landscape!

“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name. Bring an offering and come before Him, worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness.” 1 Chronicles 16:29 (NIV)

God is the creator of the universe and everything in it. He is the creator of you and me, and we are created in His image. He knew us when we were in our mother’s wombs. He knows our every thought and wants better than we know them ourselves. He knows every single detail of our lives, as small as the numbers of hairs on our head. He is involved in the smallest details of our lives, leading us into His goodness, truth, and righteousness. He loves us in a way that is indescribable by humankind. He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for us. His Son took all the sin of the world upon His shoulders and died so that we could have forgiveness of all our sin, past present and future. Jesus was buried and after He was raised from the dead and more than five hundred people saw Him after He rose from the grave! He ascended to heaven to sit at the Father’s throne and sent us the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide us in all our ways and to help us to stay in Him. Remain in Him and He remains in us.

We obey Him from a heart of love and honor. It is our greatest hope to bring glory and praises to His name, not because we have to, but because it has become the desire of our hearts!  He is our King of Kings! He is Sovereign. He is the Great Physician. He is the Mighty Counselor! He is Peace! He is our Rock, our Shepherd, our Provider! He is our Refuge, our Judge, and our Hope! He is the LORD, our Master, our Righteousness! He is Living, a Consuming Fire! He is the God Most High! He is Everlasting and Eternal! He is our Father!

He is our Husband and we are His Bride! We keep ourselves pure and white so that on the day of His return, we will be invited to join the feast and sit beside Him on heaven’s throne. He died for us, what more could we ask of one to show his love toward us?

His faithfulness to His Word has stood the test of time. In the lives of those gone before you, in your life and in mine – whether we see it now or not. So let us put away things that hinder our intimacy with our King and put on the clothes of righteousness. He will empower us for renewal, to endure and to stand firm in Him, by the Spirit of the Father that dwells within us.

“The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery, idolatry and witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissension, factions and envy, drunkenness, orgies and the like. I ward you as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the Kingdom of God.” Galatians 5:19-21 (NIV)

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians 5:22 (NIV)

Pray for your thoughts, words, and actions to bring glory to God. Ask Him to change your heart so that it will become hidden in His, transforming you to have His thoughts, His words, and His actions. It is His utmost desire to give this gift to you from His deep love of you! Those who belong to Christ no longer walk in the sinful nature, but by the fruit of the Spirit. Let us take each step trusting the Spirit of God to lead us! Seek to please God in all things and the need for approval from others will fall away. Ask God to do away with any conflict in you and remain patient as He begins His work in you!

Further Reading: Ephesians 5:9; Colossians 3:12-15; Romans 5:8; Proverbs 2:3; Philippians 2:3

Authentic worship and praise of the Lord involves us giving glory to God!