Category: Children

The Next Generation

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

I stood outside the gated area watching a team of precious little six-year-olds making some of their first attempts at batting a ball being pitched to them. They were so cute in their uniforms. They had all the appeal of one who knew exactly what they were doing being dressed to the nines in the black socks, white pants, jerseys with their names, batting helmets and a bat fitted perfectly to their small grasp.

When the coach would pitch the ball he would give gentle instructions to each team member who was “up” for his turn to practice some pre-game batting. I watched each one as they would concentrate to make contact happen between with their bat and the oncoming ball.  Each time the coach pitched and the ball would come toward them, they would swing either too soon or too late.

After a couple of strikes, the coach would slowly approach the child, get down on his level and tell the little boy what a great job he was doing. He would also say to him, “Keep your eye on the ball. If you do this one thing, you will hit it.” He would then gently pat him on the shoulder while giving him a smile and a last word of, “Okay, let’s make this happen.” As the coach would resume the pitcher’s plate, the little boy would move into the right stance and begin rocking his weight from one leg to the other, just as if he were a professional league player. It was precious to me, especially because one of the little boys I was watching is Noah, my first grandson.

The third time up to bat, Noah did not take his eyes off the ball. No matter what distractions were around him, he stayed focused. More than four times in a row, he hit the ball beyond his coaches reach!! His coach acknowledged his success by cheering him on and giving him a high-five. Noah was proud of what he had accomplished! You could see the esteem and confidence beaming from his face!

Having a coach like this in the world of little league baseball is rare. I am thankful my grandson has a coach like him, who will encourage and build up my grandson and other little children. I am also grateful that he is setting an example of what mentoring and teaching others looks like. Hopefully, my grandson will grow up with some of those same qualities his coach is teaching him at a young and impressionable age.

As adults, without a team to cheer us on in our endeavors, we can begin to feel defeated. If we are aware of the need to surround ourselves with positive people, we have a greater advantage for success. No longer children and without our parents making sure we stay on track, it is our responsibility to take the necessary steps to make sure we have our own cheerleaders helping us to keep our eye on the ball and accomplishing our goals.


Letter from Aryn in "Growing Up", 1998

Today is not a day like any other. The sun will rise and the birds will sing. The temperature may change from one hour to another, but today we have risen from our slumber to embrace what has been set forth for us since before the birth of my youngest daughter.

It is 3:58 a.m. and I have been awake since before 2:00 a.m. It’s going to be a day full of celebration for the accomplishments of my youngest. Today, December 10, 2010, my girl will walk the aisle to meet the dean face to face and while shaking hands, receive her diploma for her graduation from college.

You cannot imagine the joy and thanksgiving in my heart for all the provision God gave to get us here today. Certainly financial provision has been a huge aspect of the whole experience, and without fail God has made ways for me to provide a roof over her head, food for her to eat, a car for her to drive, clothes for her to wear, and all the other hidden costs that are associated with a college education. For all of this I am deeply grateful.  But more than this, I am grateful for the woman my daughter has become through her life. There has never been a doubt of the insight and wisdom bestowed upon her beyond her years. She has a heart that will melt yours in all areas and she has known her purpose in life since she could walk and talk.

She used to spend hours upon hours in her room alone playing with her dolls. When I would peep in to check on her she would have them all lined up in rows in front of the white board she had asked for one year from Santa.  She loved teaching her dolls whatever she was learning. As the years passed, I knew without a doubt that my daughter would grow up fulfilling her passion to be a teacher.

A few months ago I was going through some of our old things and ran across a book titled, “Growing Up,” which her 5th grade class had put together in 1998. When I read over the words written by my then 11 year old daughter, and pictured where she is in her life 12 years later, I could see so clearly how God had led her into becoming all He had designed and created her to be.

Today we will celebrate her graduation from college. A momentous occasion which would not be here without the incredible hard work, focus, overcoming obstacles, perseverance in the face of great adversity, discipline, wise choices and knowing she was created for this very purpose.

I am proud of my little girl, who has grown up into a beautiful woman of giving and enriching others lives. I am excited to see where she will be led in the next season of her life.  Today she steps onto the platform as a student, to receive her diploma, and she will step down from the platform as a teacher, having attained the Bachelor of Science in Education for which she worked so hard. Now she is equipped to join the world of professional teaching, prospering from her passions and creativity, leading children to fulfilling the dreams and purposes in their hearts.

Congratulations honey, I love you and I know you will be the BEST teacher!