Do You Know Who Your Healer Is?

“If only I can touch the hem of His garment I can be well.” She could barely get the words out. Life was hard for women of that time, especially this one.

She was a woman of faith, a woman who knew He was her healer, and if only she could get to Him, everything could change. The crowds were massive, and she was weak, nearly crawling on the ground. For at least twelve years she bled and though she had seen many doctors, doctors who drained all her financial resources, no cure or healing had come.


Are We So Different?

We are no different from Adam and Eve when it comes to our response to our own sin. Like them, we can feel:

  • Ashamed
  • Disappointed
  • Not good enough

These 3 feelings, stirred from our sinful behaviors, are exactly what the Enemy uses to pull us away from relationship with God and into hiding.

Like Adam and Eve, we hide from God when we sin. But even in this tactic used by the Enemy, God did not leave Adam and Eve. Nor does He leave us. He pursued them in the cool of the morning. And just like them, He pursues each of us in the same way through Jesus!

Our sin might cause us to hide; but Jesus came to set us free from the power of Sin over us! His very words are “He who is in Me is greater than he who is in the world.”

God gave us freedom in Jesus. He is our High Priest and when we confess our sin and repent (make a u turn), He hears and intercedes for us!

God is good and nothing is too hard for Him, especially for those who open their hearts to give Him reign over their whole life. To them, God is working all things together for good!

Our relationship with The Lord is kept intimate through transparency in confession and true repentance.

Keep your intimacy with God protected and open!

“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?””
Genesis 3:8-9 NIV

Being Lonely Can Make You Sick?

Did you know being lonely and isolating yourself from others can put you at higher risk of warping your health and genes? Tests and studies show that the pain of loneliness activates the immune pattern of a primordial response commonly known as fight or flight. To learn more, click here.

It Was Only He…Never Me

This post is written by my friend of 20-plus years. He has a heart of passion for others to know the Freedom that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. I am blessed to know him and hope that as you read his words below, you too, will be blessed.

I’m not sure why I felt compelled to share these personal insights, but I KNOW it was what the Spirit Of God, That Dwells Within me, Would have me do. (more…)

Have You Met A Lifeguard In The Storm?

When I was a young teen we traveled south to the beach. During our time there I came to befriend some of the lifeguards. I was asked to pretend I was drowning to test some of the newer lifeguards.

I agreed and being an excellent swimmer took off for deep waters. I was confident I could fool these newbies, put them to the test as asked and be back on shore within a few minutes. (more…)