“…just as the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28 NIV

As followers of Christ move into roles of leadership, we are not placed there to lord over others with an attitude of superiority. We are there to serve others and become the dregs of the pot, if that is what is necessary, to serve our Lord in another’s need.

There may be those who will say things that hurt us and which are offensive and persecuting, but when pain comes and we are offended by how others treat us, we can remind ourselves of where the Lord met us. Remember how we were once so opposed to the Lord and though we hurt our Lord, He did not abandon or condemn us. He accepted us and loved us, not because of our worthiness, but because of His great love and respect of His Father.

There is nothing that anyone can do to us nearly as offensive as what we as human beings have done in opposition to the Lord. As we follow the example of Jesus Christ, let us be reminded that Jesus came to serve, heal, restore and deliver. His life was lived out on earth as one of service and offering life to others.

How is it that we are leading those in our circle of influence? In your service to the Lord, are you honoring Him by loving Him enough to live out His ways? Do people see His love manifested in you and are they  running toward Him?