Desperate for Love Book Reviews
“Hello, Ms. Allison! I am so incredibly grateful that you have shared with us your most private and painful past through your book “Desperate for Love.” A very dear friend of mine surprised me with a copy and from cover to cover you were telling my story! I couldn’t believe the similarities in our circumstances, and with each page, I was able to uncover, revisit and recover from the beautifully crazy mess my life had become over the years. I wanted to thank you for not only your willingness to share such intimate details of your journey…but most importantly…for being obedient to our Father and Healer, without whom my recovery would not be possible. Your book has touched me deeply and blessed me beyond measure. It has been instrumental in guiding my heart back to the only One who could ever truly put the pieces back together. Thank you and thank GOD!!!” ~ Norcross, GA
“Allison’s story is such an amazing story of God’s faithfulness and redemptive purposes. We pray that this book will not only provide hope and courage for those who have been held captive by painful wounds–whether self-inflicted or involuntarily by others– but also for those who have never experienced the freedom of surrendering their life to the One who designed them for a purpose.” ~Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn, authors of For Women Only and For Men Only
“While everybody has a story to tell, this book is such an honest account of the bribery of sin and how it manifests itself very specifically in the minds of women, and robs them of the very love they so desperately desire. “Desperate For Love” is a courageous effort by Allison Miller to help other women (and men) know that God’s love and redemptive power is big enough to salvage any amount of sinfulness, even after five failed marriages and a minefield of misguided searches for love. As the famous quote by Mother Teresa so aptly states, Allison Miller, is, indeed, “a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” True love. God’s love—a love worth being desperate. Bravo, my friend!” ~Jan Smith aka “Mama Jan,” Consultant, Speaker, Performer, Author
“Allison offers many valuable insights that I believe will help many women. I thank Allison for having the courage to confront past decisions that led to so much pain and for telling her story honestly. Thank God for His saving grace and redemption that allowed Allison to write the story to share how HE changed her and can change anyone!“ ~Toni Rigsby, Dir. Ministry Partnerships, Gospel Music Channel
“Allison is one of the greatest and most successful people I know. Having gone through so much adversity, she has personally experienced what it is like to make lemonade out of life’s lemons. With a depth of heart rarely seen these days, Allison gives generously, and deeply cares for each person that is blessed enough to cross paths with her. She is incredibly focused and determined, and this world is a better place for it. This work comes from the selfless labor of Love!” ~Joe Kissack, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur
“This book takes you on a journey from rejection to deception to addictive infection and leads you into God’s perfect place of protection. It is brutally honest and shows you the heart of a little girl bruised and battered, looking for Prince Charming. She finds him, but not where she was looking. ~ Glenn Yankowski, Founder, Across the Bridge
“I cannot say enough good things about this book. It has touched me so much. I laughed. I cried. I related to so many of the stories. It is truly LIFE CHANGING! I can’t imagine all you have gone through and are still standing and ALIVE.” ~Tonia Carty Hau, TCH Marketing